Getting Started

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Great things start from small beginnings...

I am reminded of a Milo commercial way back my childhood school years every time I use this tag line. Back then, it was just a favorite line that I hum every now and then simply because I find it's tune catchy and light. I was oblivious of it's meaning until I realized that the line is after all very deep and profound.

Humble Beginnings...

Even as a kid I have wanted to be a school paper writer. I have wanted my name to be printed out in a school magazine and my pictures to appear in its pages just like those of my neighbor's classmates whom I secretly admired because they got published in the paper. With that inspiration, I forced my parents to enroll me in that private school in the nearby town hoping that one day, I too, will read myself in the publication.

Little did I know that a freshman is seldom given an opportunity to write not unless with an exceptional writing ability. But from a boy who graduated from a little "barangay" school, my senses told me, I am too far to be even called "good". I have expected too much of myself. The year ended without even me having to get a glimpse of the publication office. And the worst scenario came, I needed to move to a public school due to financial constraints. I have to bid goodbye to that seemingly elusive aspiration.

To my surprise, the opportunity to write was given to me in my new school. I became a staff and eventually joined contests in journalism. I had some triumphs but there were too much disappointments. I didn't even have the chance to join a regional competition and so I thought, I am not a "WRITER."

But just the same, I continued to write. In college, I continued the passion for writing and even landed a post in the editorial board. Eventually, I graduated with a special citation in journalism which I considered as a culmination of a childhood dream.

The campus journalism experience is a significant part why I landed a teaching job right after graduation. There, I pursued my love for writing by training my students in the same battle as I had gone through in the earlier stage of my life. For six years, we were blessed to be hailed as top performers throughout the whole region which paved the way to the most coveted recognition I have received during the 2010 National Schools Press Conference held in Tagum City.

Blogger: Beginner...

Starting this blog is never an easy one too. Language barrier is a major problem that hindered me to get started as soon as I received the invitation. Considering the most appropriate topic is another thing...but just as I have always believed - Great things start from small beginnings...

More thoughts...

With everything that happens now in our beloved Mother Land. Why did I choose to write about this seemingly insignificant topic about beginnings? Simply put, I am a beginner in this blog thing. I don't want to relive the moments on that fateful day back home which created big big scar of our being a Filipino. I want to inspire those who consider themselves as beginners.

Greater things await you... all you have to do is take that very significant first step.


1 comment

Unknown said...

I like the simplicity of this beginning thing Sir Lorenz. Simple yet strong. I was moved. Thanks for sharing

August 26, 2010 at 8:53 AM
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